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  1. Hanny

    Q&A Time…let the fun begin…

    Right, I’m thinking that there are just far too many serious, down beat and saddening threads of late, so let’s have a bit of automotive fun and interest going…….. Question #1 - if you could change one/(1) thing on your current car, EV, mode of transport, what would it be. I.e. an opTimon...
  2. Hanny

    Sad time to say goodbye to the forum

    Hey all, as some may already of seen from a couple of my posts today, I have decided to cancel my Taycan order. Although my delivery date was a little time away, Oct23, I’m not really prepared to accept delays of 5 months which I’m sure has high potential to delay even further. In addition was...
  3. Hanny

    DONT buy/order a new Taycan - Used purchase is better……

    ……for me!! So my new idea is to get all future purchasers and those who can still cancel their orders to move over to the used market so that my Taycan on order will be on time 😜🤪 ….okay likely hood of this is slim but if you don’t ask - you don’t get….before I get bombarded with serious...
